Basic Collisions

Setting Basic Collisions

Using the inspector, collisions properties can be customized per object:

  • meshes: set wether or not the edited mesh checks for collisions.
  • cameras: set wether or not the edited camera checks collisions on meshes and if gravity should be applied.
  • scene: set wether or not collisions are enabled in the scene and configure the gravity values.

Enabling Collisions In Scene

To enable collisions in the scene, simply select the Scene in the graph:


And scroll in the inspector to find the section named Collisions:


To enable collisions, simply check the Enabled checkbox and provide the gravity values desired for the current scene.

Enabling Collisions For Camera

Cameras don't necessary check for collisions by default. If your camera doesn't check for collisions, simply select the desired camera in the graph and scroll in the inspector to find the section named Collisions.

Note: According the type of the selected camera, no all properties will be shown. For example, the Apply Gravity option will not be shown for Arc Rotate Camera as it makes no sense.

Free Camera

The cameras of type FreeCamera are the most common types of camera in projects. To enable collisions, simply check the Check Collisions checkbox and configure the ellipsoid values. For ellipsoids, check the following documentation in order to understand and setup the desired values according the nature of the current scene being edited in the Editor.

The property Apply Gravity, if enabled, will apply the gravity previously set in the scene and can be disabled only by unchecking the property.


Arc Rotate Camera

As for the FreeCamera, the arc rotate cameras can have their collisions enabled using the checkbox Enabled. Opposed to the free camera, the ellipsoid property is replaced by Collisions Radius property. Check the following documentation in order to understand and setup the desired value for the collisions radius.


Enabling Collisions For Meshes

Once scene and camera(s) have been configured, the last step is to configure which mesh(es) will have collisions enabled in order to block the camera.

To enable collisions, simply check the Check Collisions checkbox and configure its optional Ellipsoid and Ellipsoid Offset properties. Don't hesitate to check as well the following documentation to understand ellipsoid and ellipsoid offset properties on meshes.


Using The ".moveWithCollisions" Method In Code

The Babylon.JS API provides a method named .moveWithCollisions on Mesh class. This method will work like for cameras without any, extra configuration. It'll check collisions on all meshes that have collisions enabled in the scene.